Legal advice


The present document establishes the general terms and conditions of contract between MELOGUITARS EDITIONS, whose registered company address is Calle Montseny, 49, CP 08208, Sabadell (Barcelona), Spain, and natural persons with regard to the sale and purchase of goods offered on the website,, when you express a desire to buy the aforementioned goods by ordering them from this website via Internet.

MELOGUITARS EDITIONS declines all liability deriving from the improper use of the contents shown in this page and reserves the right to update them, eliminate them or restrict access at any time, either temporarily or permanently.

MELOGUITARS EDITIONS declines all liability deriving from any information not contained in this page. Specifically, it declines liability regarding the information contained in web pages of third parties connected by links to the web pages of MELOGUITARS EDITIONS.

MELOGUITARS EDITIONS is not liable for possible errors of security that may occur through the use of computers infected with computer viruses, or the consequences that may derive from the bad functioning of the browser or the use of versions of it that are not updated.


These General Conditions expressly regulate the relations arising between MELOGUITARS EDITIONS and third parties (herein “Users”) that takes place when registering as users and/or purchasing products through the online shop of the official Majoral website ( “, herein the “Shop”).


The user is generally obliged to use the Shop to purchase products and use each service of the Shop diligently, in accordance with the law, morals, public order and that established in these
General Conditions, and must abstain from using them in any way that may impede, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning and enjoyment of the Shop by the users or may harm or cause damage to the assets and rights of MELOGUITARS EDITIONS, their suppliers, users or any other third party in general.


MELOGUITARS EDITIONS reserves the right to decide at any time the products it offers to users through the Shop. En particular, MELOGUITARS may at any time add new products to offers or included in the Shop, understanding that any other thing that is made available is a product that is ruled by these General Conditions. Moreover, MELOGUITARS EDITIONS reserves the right to providing or facilitating the access and use at any time without prior notice of the any of the different types of products that are offered in the Shop.

The products offered and included in the Shop correspond, in the visualization on the web in the most reliable way possible allowed by technology. The characteristics of the products and their
prices appear in the Shop.


  • a. Within a maximum time period of twenty-four (48) hours, MELOGUITARS EDITIONS will send an e-mail to the user, confirming their purchase. This e-mail will have a reference
    code for the purchase, and will detail the characteristics of the product, its price, transport costs and data of the different options for making the payment for the products to MELOGUITARS EDITIONS.
  • b. The user who purchases the product through the Shop must make the payment through the payment system/s specifically outlined in the Shop.
  • c. The confirmation of the order sent by MELOGUITARS EDITIONS is not valid as an invoice, but is merely a receipt of purchase, and MELOGUITARS EDITIONS will send the invoice
    for the product together with it.


  • a. The user has a right of waiver by which they must contact MELOGUITARS EDITIONS by email at the following address: and waive the purchase within a period not greater than five (14) days for EU buyers, and five (5) days for buyers from the rest of the world, as from the reception of the product. The product must be sent together with the correctly envelope. This return will be done in accordance with the instructions given to the user by MELOGUITARS EDITIONS.
  • b. The waiver includes the refund of the amount paid. The time period for making this refund will be established by Law, after MELOGUITARS EDITIONS has received the product which is the objective of the waiver in a perfect state of conservation.
  • c. The right to waiver cannot be exercised when the product is not returned in its original packaging and when the product is not in a perfect state.
  • d. Verify the condition of the package in the presence of the third party which, acting on behalf of MELOGUITARS EDITIONS, delivers the goods, indicating on the delivery note any anomaly that may have been detected. In this case, if when checking the contents, you detect any sign of a blow, breakage or any other defect that may have been caused during delivery, you agree to notify MELOGUITARS EDITIONS as soon as possible. RETURNS FOR DAMAGE TO THE BOOK DUE TO TRANSPORTATION ARE NOT ACCEPTED, IF IT HAS NOT BEEN RECOGNIZED ON THE DELIVERY NOTE.


For any incident, claim or exercising of their rights, the user can send an e-mail to:


  • a. The territorial sphere of sales through the Shop is worldwide. The products purchased through the Shop will be sent to the delivery address provided by the user once payment has been checked, the maximum delivery time being thirty (30) days establish by default by law.
  • b. The delivery service of MELOGUITARS EDITIONS is done in collaboration with different logistical operators of recognized renown. PO boxes, hotels or other non-permanent addresses will not be recognized for delivery.
  • c. The delivery costs correspond to the destination in question.


  • a. The user recognizes that all the elements of the Shop and each of the products, the information and materials contained in them, the brands, structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, and the computer programmer used in relation to them, are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of MELOGUITARS EDITIONS itself or third parties, and that the General Conditions do not attribute to them regarding these rights of intellectual and industrial property any other right different from those specifically included in them.
  • b. Except when authorized by MELOGUITARS EDITIONS or if necessary by third parties of the corresponding rights, or at least this being legally permitted, the user cannot reproduce, transform, modify, separate, undertake reverse engineering, distribute, hire, loan, make available or allow public access through any means of public communication of any of the elements referred to the previous paragraph. The user must use the materials, elements and information that they access through the Shop only for their own needs, and must not directly or indirectly undertake any commercial use of the materials, elements and information obtained through them.
  • c. The user must abstain from avoiding or manipulating any technical device established by MELOGUITARS EDITIONS or by third parties in the Shop.


These general conditions are ruled by Spanish law. Any conflict arising from the interpretation or execution that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation, compliance or termination of this contract is subject to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts of Sabadell, with renouncement of the legal system that may correspond to the user, on the condition that the legislation applicable allows it.